Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Chinese new Year (part 2)

During Chinese New Year, i did a lot of visiting. i visited my cousins ,aunts,uncles...etc. After wishing them Happy chinese New Year, then i recieved Hong Bao(red packets). I received about $700. Then I helped myself with some tidbits. after that i went to my cousins' room and play computer games, board games ...etc. I also performed magic tricks for my relatives and my relatives loved it. They also secretly asked me how i did those trick.When my relatives found out that i am in Primary 5, they advised me to study hard because nest year i will be having my PSLE. They also advised me to exercise more to be fit. I would take some more sport activities if i can.

Hi Darren

Wow.. what a great time you had over the past few days. I am sure your relatives were entertained by your magic tricks, like we did during the Teacher's Day rehearsal last year.

Don't forget to save your money and donate some to the needy if you can. It's good to know that you want to take up more sport activities this year. Well, the Sports Meet coming up soon. Why don't you try to take up some events?

~Ms Sue~



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