Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Earth hour

Earth hour is an hour where we should switch off all lights in the house to save Earth. Earth hour is held only once on 28th march,sataday,830-930.people organise this event.The people organising this event are considerate,concerned and thoughtful for the Earth.Everybody that are taking part in this hour, they would switch off their lights in order to save the Earth. I could be organising just a game during the hour. the game is called 1 blind mice.The main culprits of this depletion are man-made chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs). CFCs were first mass-produced in the 1950s for use as refrigerants, industrial solvents, cleaning fluids and agents in making foam products. in the late 1960s, they were widely used in spray cans.
The CFCs released into the air are carried into the stratosphere by strong winds. when CFCs break down into the stratosphere,they release a chemical called chlorine, which attacks the ozone layer.
1 of the solutions is to not to spray CFCs anyhow except when in an emergency.



Holidays sure flies by when you are having fun.The March holidays is only 1 week and it past so quickly!

During my March holidays, I did the normal School stuff except for going to school. I stayed at my grandmother's house as my parents are scared and busy for me to stay alone at my parents' house. I played online games such as:Maplestory,Aq,....etc. DONT get excited when you read this. I played My psp games and downloaded games legally@!!@

So i asked my uncle to download movies and games.

The next morning. he gave me a doppod touch screen poket pc phone.( how cool is that?!??!) My mother only let me use it during the holidays.(so sad) Thats all i have to say about my holidays.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Fire Safety

Actually, I did no experience any "real" fire emergency although i lived near the place that caught fire, but anyway, I will tell you all the needs and uses of fire safety. So "buckle your seat belt" and i will take you through a W.I.L.D ride!

If a fire broke out i would: (1) remain clam.(2)find where is the source of the fire.(3)Cover your face with a moist towel.(4)keep low.(5)Find an exit.(note: if all exits are unavailable, follow Step 7.)(7)find room hat do not have fire.(8) put towel under the door.(9)Open window and shout for help.(10) make yourself obvious.(11)Wait for help to arrive.

If a fire broke out, i would blame my sister for on-ing the stove to try to cook.
If i were given a chance to introduce fire safety,i would tell them to:
1:not to play with fire
2:immediately alert an adult when there is a fire
3:when your clothes caught fire, you should STOP,DROP and ROLL.

We singapore citizens must play our part to defend singapore and the earth from these disaster. Remember keep your eyes open for people who might be playing fire.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Learning-Journey to Bukit Chandu and Old fort factory on Friday, February 6, 2009

That particular morning, we went to out to our learning journey in Bukit Chandu and Old fort factory. Mrs Nam, our social studies teacher, went with us as a substitute teacher for Ms Suzzanh, our form teacher teaching us for 2 years and 1 1/3 month. Serene's mum and Viki's Mum also went along with us.

First, we went to Old Fort Factory. When we reached there, a female guide gladly welcomed us into the Old Fort Factory. We went into a theatre and began watching how the Japanese tortured the people in singapore and signed treaty with the British to surrender. It was so cold in the theatre that I actually started to shiver. I also saw the most horrifying sight of my life! I saw the Japenese took out the heads of the people as singaporeans in the past.

After the "Scary" short clip, we went into the warmer room and I saw the statue of Lieutenant--General Arthur Ernest Percival and Lieutenant-General Tomoyuki Yamashita. When we went on and on, my eyes sat on an old mordern room. I asked the guide what was it. " It was a surrender room From Percival surrendered to Yamashita.

Next we went to the Bukit Chandu, another place where the past war took place and of course a guide greeted us. instead of a woman this time was a man. He led us to a narrow hallway that explains another part of the history. He told us about the malay regimen and the japenese took 55 days to coquer singapore.(that was fast...) then we went to the 2nd storey to watch another short clip. This time , the film is clearer about the malay regimen.

That is all have to say and remember.
Good bye.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Total Defence 2009

My family is my most precious thing in the world. If something happened to them, i would try my best to protect

iwant to defend them why? because without them i will not be here typing this blog post.

If they are busy,at work,i would help them to do housework so they would not be so tired. I will also cooperate with my sister instead of quarrlling to portect my own family from outside harm.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Chinese new Year (part 2)

During Chinese New Year, i did a lot of visiting. i visited my cousins ,aunts,uncles...etc. After wishing them Happy chinese New Year, then i recieved Hong Bao(red packets). I received about $700. Then I helped myself with some tidbits. after that i went to my cousins' room and play computer games, board games ...etc. I also performed magic tricks for my relatives and my relatives loved it. They also secretly asked me how i did those trick.When my relatives found out that i am in Primary 5, they advised me to study hard because nest year i will be having my PSLE. They also advised me to exercise more to be fit. I would take some more sport activities if i can.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


My Chinese New Year (Part One)

In this Chinese New Year, I would be going to a cruise,Super star virgo,playing and what ever sort of fun stuff. such as Arcade,Swimming and game shows...etc. I could bring my PSP after the school days. Talking about Chinese new Year, i will be performing magic in my relatives house and try to earn more HB Than last year. I Hope i could do more amazing Tricks and recieve more,More,MOre,MORe,MORE $$$$$$$$$. I also hope that i could buy more things.

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